Margaret Howell Fund
A Loving Memory Fund set up to commemorate the Life of Margaret Howell
The fund has been set up by the family to celebrate the life and love of their dear mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother, Margaret Howell. The legacy fund is to be invested with Forever Notts and provide small grants to local Women’s Institutes across Nottinghamshire and Worcestershire.

Margaret dedicated her life to the education of women and girls and passionately believed in the skills, confidence and community leadership opportunities offered to all women through local Women’s Institutes.
She was an active and energetic member, both in Worcestershire, where her mother organisaed local WI members to engage in fruit and vegetable processing for he war effort and later in life, in Nottinghamshire.
The Margaret Howell Fund will continue to support groups in perpetuity and if you would like to pay tribute to Margaret and support her charitable fund please donate.
To donate
- By standing order – this is a safe and convenient way to make a regular donation to the fund. To set up a standing order please complete ‘this form’ and hand it in at your bank, please call us on 01623 620202 or email us for our bank account details. Alternatively you can set up a standing order through your online banking or telephone banking services. When setting up a payment please use MHF and your surname as payment reference so we can ensure your donation goes to the correct fund (if no reference is used your donation will go into our Major Oak Fund).
- By cheque – please print off a gift aid form by clicking on the giftaid it logo below, complete it and return it to us (address on the form) together with your cheque made payable to Nottinghamshire Community Foundation and write MHF on the back of the cheque.
- By Paypal – please use the donate button below (please be aware Paypal take fees from your donation)
- By bank transfer – to transfer directly to our bank call us on 01623 620202 or email us for our account details. When making a payment please use MHF and your surname as payment reference so we can ensure your donation goes to the correct fund (if no reference is used your donation will go into our Major Oak Fund).
GIFT AID Whichever method you use to donate please complete a ‘Gift Aid form’ by clicking the logo below. Using Gift Aid means that for every £1 you donate we can claim an extra 25p from the Inland Revenue.