Lindhurst Wind Farm Community Fund
Description: This grant scheme has been set up to support community organisations and voluntary groups, including social enterprises, based in Rainworth, Blidworth and in the south Mansfield ward of Lindhurst. It has been made available by Lindhurst Wind Farm Ltd. and is operated by RWE Renewables Ltd. Forever Notts is co-ordinating the grant scheme.
Type: Project & Capital Costs
Status: Closed
Maximum: £500 - £3,000
Opening: 21/10/2024
Deadline: 03/02/2025
Notes: Apply before deadline
This grant scheme has been set up to support community organisations and voluntary groups, including social enterprises, based in Rainworth, Blidworth and in the south Mansfield ward of Lindhurst. It has been made available by Lindhurst Wind Farm Ltd. and is operated by RWE Renewables Ltd. Forever Notts is co-ordinating the grant scheme.
This fund is available for the following groups who deliver projects to support a one-off activity, ongoing activities.
Who is eligible for a grant?
Local community organisations and voluntary groups based in Rainworth, Blidworth and in the south Mansfield ward of Lindhurst that are undertaking environmental, educational, community and charitable activities.
All applicant organisations must:
- have a bank account requiring two signatures;
- be properly constituted;
- be not for profit or a social enterprise/community business.
Applicants must be able to provide copies of their constitution and latest audited annual accounts or reports.
What can a grant be used for?
A grant of up to £3,000 may be used to support a one-off activity, ongoing activities or for minor capital expenditure e.g.:
- To purchase equipment
- To produce publicity material
- Towards running a pilot project
- To assist with running costs
- Minor capital works
- Equipment or building alterations
- To contribute to the costs of an outing
Grants will not be awarded to:
- Statutory or public services
- Organisations that have large reserves that are not designated for a specific purpose
- Organisations that do not operate or run activities within the area of benefit
- Groups not properly constituted
Sustainable Development Goals, Jobs, Skills and Voluteers
We are keen to identify the specific Sustainable Development Goal’s (SDG) most closely aligned with the projects:
- SDG 3 Health and wellbeing – Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. For example projects that encourage local people to be active, support people struggling with substance misuse and initiatives that improve local home, road or water safety
- SDG 4 Quality Education – Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. For example projects that add value for local schools, training schemes for local people of all ages
- SDG 7 Affordable and clean energy – Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. For example community renewable energy generating projects and energy efficiency initiatives
- SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth – Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. For example projects that create employment and initiatives that build confidence and skills for people furthest from the labour market
- SDG 11 Sustainable communities – Make communities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable. For example projects such as improving community buildings, community transport schemes, community shops and projects that protect the local cultural and natural heritage
- SDG 13 Climate Action – Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts. For example supporting local climate action groups or education schemes, CO2 reduction or net zero projects, shared electric community car initiatives and local sustainable food projects
We would also like to support projects which create new jobs or safeguard current jobs, increase skills development or create training opportunities and create or safeguard volunteering opporunities.
Amount Available and Rounds
This is an annual grant with variable amounts each year.
Groups can apply for amounts between £500 and £3,000
For more information please contact us on 01623 620202 or email
Apply to the Lindhurst Wind Farm Community Fund
Previously funded projects include:
- 2020 January – Blidworth and District Historical & Heritage Society
- 2019 May – The Life Centre (Life Church South Mansfield)
- 2019 May – Friends of Lake View
- 2019 May – Friends of Lake View
- 2019 May – Friends of Lake View
- 2019 May – Social Action Hub
- 2019 May – Social Action Hub
- 2019 May – Social Action Hub
- 2019 May – Social Action Hub
- 2019 May – Social Action Hub
- 2019 May – Social Action Hub
- 2019 May – Social Action Hub
- 2018 January – Rainworth and Blidworth Detached Youth Project
- 2018 January – Rainworth and Blidworth Detached Youth Project
- 2017 January – Rainworth and Blidworth Detached Youth Project
- 2017 January – Rainworth and Blidworth Detached Youth Project
- 2017 January – Rainworth and Blidworth Detached Youth Project
- 2017 January – Rainworth and Blidworth Detached Youth Project
- 2017 January – Rainworth and Blidworth Detached Youth Project
- 2017 January – Rainworth and Blidworth Detached Youth Project
- 2017 January – Rainworth and Blidworth Detached Youth Project
- 2017 January – Rainworth and Blidworth Detached Youth Project
- 2014 March – Rainworth and Blidworth Detached Youth Project
- 2014 March – Rainworth and Blidworth Detached Youth Project
- 2014 March – Rainworth and Blidworth Detached Youth Project
- 2014 March – Rainworth and Blidworth Detached Youth Project